Thursday, November 30, 2006

Message from the Father

The Father told us today that we should look into getting the pictures of Jesus into women's shelters in our community. He said to tell the leaders of the shelters that the pictures bring comfort to many in dire situations. So they do. We have heard much evidence about that from others. And for those women, cut off from their homes, beaten and tired and despairing about the future...Jesus comes to put His arms around them and tell them: Before you were even born, you were conceived in Me. He will speak to them and they will begin to hear His words of hope, of love and of a future where there is no violence, where children are safe, an unending life with Him. Look and see in your communities if you can bring this gift of comfort to women in shelters, for the sake of Jesus.

Father, let all those who will, bring Your caring love to the battered and bruised women who need You most of all to shelter them. Thank you for loving us so much, even though we fall so short of being like Jesus. Look into our hearts, Father, because there is our love for you, the only thing of value we have.

In Jesus' precious name.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Letter from Joseph in Ghana and reply from OJP.

Dear Char & everyone at OJP, Greetings to you in the great name of Lord Jesus Christ. We received the gift you sent for the remaining rent, and have just got it paid to the landlord. We hope to have electricity installed soon. Thank you all very much for being this blessings to us. We are also planning for outreach meetings this weekend where we expect that many souls will be saved. Please, continue to pray for us and we trust that God will supply all of our needs, fill us with His peace, prosper our work, and anoint us with Love.It is our hope that the package with the children's gift will arrive without much delays, to bless the kids here during the Christmas. May the Lord grant over you all an open heaven of blessing that will pour out from the sovereign heart of our Father who loves us more than we can comprehend. Please write again when you are able! Your brother, Joseph & the brethren here.

Precious brother Joseph,

We are so glad that you will have light now we are all rejoicing with tears in our eyes. We will be sending more money for your Christmas King's Feast and for any other needs you have. We will be sending $200 on the first of December for the feast so check Ikobo it will be there. Look and see what your King's Feast on Christmas will cost, don't go cheaply because He deserves the best and He is thinking of you and your flock to enjoy a very good dinner before Him. Use anything over the cost of the dinner for your other needs, remember that the package we sent you might charge a cost, even though they aren't supposed to do that so save $15 for just in case, I'm asking the Father to help you carry that package home safely, it is somewhat large. He will provide. We would very much love to have any pictures of anything and everything, the beloved flock, your feast, the land, the house, and we would love a picture of you and the flock together. You Joseph, faithful one, you will be getting a motor scooter so you can take the pictures and the Passion around your area as He leads, we need to see about what is for sale in your area. We also want your flock to have at least six bicycles. This is all by faith at this point but we are going with the Father and He is leading. So let me tell you what we have been praying about for you. A items...towels...books for the children...and provision for our pregnant sister there. The scooter will enable you also to meet with us in Yahoo once a week. So there it is, dearest Joseph. We all love you and are so proud of your faithfulness and your courage. Tell the flock that we pray for them earnestly, and we think of all of you always. God Bless you all.

In His love,
Silvana and all at OJP

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

A letter from Joseph in Ghana and a reply from Char

Dear sister Char & everyone at OJP,Warmest greetings to you in the name of Jesus Christ. It is quite inspiring to read the Conversation between Char and Pastor Jean! We hope that in the future we will be able to join the online yahoo conference as we had did in the past.We are just curious - were you able to send the Christmas package yet? We also pray daily that the Father will deliver the Rebate safely to Silvana, so that she can use part as she planned to help us to pray the remaining rent, which will provide us with electricity. Extend our greetings, love and thanks to your families and to the rest of the brethren there! Your brother,Joseph & the brethren here

Dear Brother Joseph,

We have been checking the mail every day in eager anticipation of the rebate check. We thought that it would come by now because they said it was mailed on October 31st. The very day it comes we will put it in the bank and then send it to you the next day by ikobo. We hope that the landlord will act swiftly after he receives the payment, so you can have electricity soon. Felicia said that the Father told her today that the rebate check will come very soon.

Yesterday Therese and I went shopping for more Christmas gifts for your children. Nikki gave us the money to buy them. Now each child has a few small toys to be sent with the package we are mailing to you. Today I am going to wrap the presents in Christmas paper and put their names on the present, so the children can have the fun of opening them on Christmas Day. We are praying for each of them. We also will include some candy for the Christmas feast for the children and for the adults who like candy. Brother, we believe we are going to be able to send at least $150 for the Christmas feast since Nikki said she will contribute to that as well. We will send that money by ikobo some time in December. What a joy to honor Jesus together on this Birthday Feast Day, the King's Feast - a feast from the King, a feast for the King.

If the children want to swap gifts, then we will not mind if they do that. We tried to buy something that we thought a child that age might like to have. We are sending extra batteries for the presents that take batteries, such as the little remote controlled cars for Koseh and Cyril and the musical toy for Mawupelonu. The shirt that we bought for Mawutoh and Kafui are worn by teenage girls here, so we hope that they like them. They are just a simple tee-shirt with a design on them, such as is commonly worn in America. To Agbalavi we gave a fashion doll set rather than a shirt. To Aisha we gave a small paint book with interesting designs inside. Elikplim's present is very pretty. It is a little pair of gloves with a toy necklace. It is to play dressing up, and also she will receive a little toy dishes set. Reine has a colorful tamborine/xylophone set, and Ameivie has a baby doll with a few bottles. When you hold up the bottle to the baby's mouth, the milk seems to disappear. The baby outfit that we bought for (coming) Newborn Baby Assiongbo can be worn by either a girl or a boy. For Precious we chose a spy night scope, for Makafui some soft sports balls. They can be used inside the house, if you allow, because they are small and they are soft. The playdough that we bought for Kouevigah is something that little children in America like to play with. You make shapes with it, and then put it back in the little containers to keep soft after you are finished playing with it, so you can use it again. Each child also gets a few other very small presents besides the ones I am mentioning. Of course we normally keep presents a secret, but we thought that you and the parents might like to know about the little gift coming to their children. We also have a few little gifts for the house, that all of you can share. After the new year, we will see if we can find out about sending some clothes.

We wanted to ask you, is there a shop near you that sells second-hand clothing? How far are you from shops and from town and how far are you from the internet cafe? How is everything on the farm? We very much look forward to meeting with you in Yahoo, Joseph. We have been thinking about how you are able to get to town. How much does it cost for a motor scooter there? How much for a adult sized bicycle? How much would it cost to get shoes for the children and all the adults? We think it might be less expensive to buy these items in Ghana rather than to buy them here and pay the postage to mail them, but we will see which is best. We are always thinking of all of you, dear Joseph, and praying for all of you. We would like to have a picture of all of you, so we could see the names of each person and the each child, since you are all our brothers and sisters.

God bless you! We look forward to hearing from you again soon. We will send an email when the rebate money comes, so you will know that it is arriving by ikobo the next day.

With love in Jesus,

Father, please bless Brother Joseph and the Believers with him. Provide what they need, Father, for their daily needs. Let their crops grow well. Let the families feel the joy of Your Holy Spirit, as they live together in Jesus' name.

A beautiful letter from Pastor Jean in Rwanda

This is Jean wishing you merry thanksgiving day! I am happy to wish you nice day!
As I have told you my family was preparing some gifts for you because we are grateful and we stay always thankful for every thing you do for us and for Jesus work in general, so whole my family takes advantage of this opportunity to wish you also merry chritmas and happy new year of 2007 . I was in kibungo city this morning to spread Jesus pictures there and many people were receiving with joy!After in the after noon I have gine at the post and a package with gifts for you was mailed for you I hope I will say some thing about when they will arrive to you. It is not gifts of high value but it is only a symbol. we love you and we always are thankful.

Yours sincerely in Christ

Jean and Beathy family

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Giving pictures of Jesus for Thanksgiving

We took pictures to the Sandia Church in Albuquerque on Saturday night and gave them to the people who came to get a free turkey for Thanksgiving, as advertised on TV by Pastor Mark of the church. Everyone who came wanted a picture of Jesus, and most wanted more to give out to others. One woman wanted pictures to hand out to homeless people on the street. One wanted some to send to her daughter in prison. She was so happy when she heard that we send free pictures to many prisoners! Another wanted some to send to her mother in Mexico. We gave away every 8x10 picture of Jesus that we had with us, every 4x6, every copy of THE PASSION OF THE CHRIST. Many people went through the line and received pictures of Jesus from us, and then came back to ask for more. We also had the wonderful opportunity to pray for people, for healing, and for help from Jesus.

Saturday, November 18, 2006


11-17-06 This morning Silvana was on the computer and she had the TV on, when she heard a man saying that his church was giving out free turkeys to anyone who knew someone in need or who might need one themselves. With the wonderful invention of the DVR, she rewound it and listened. It was the Holy Spirit causing her to hear this messagae. A Pastor of a church in Albuquerque was talking about a Thanksgiving turkey give away. He said they are giving away between 2,000 and 4,000 turkeys and said "If you or anyone you know needs one, call us.", and gave their number. Silvana told us about it and said to call the Pastor and offer him pictures of Jesus to give out with every turkey (as well as some DVDs of The Passion of the Christ) and offer our help in any way he needs. We called and left a message for him and were told he would call back later. In the meantime we prayed for him that he would want to give out the pictures.
When we talked later to the Pastor we told him what a good thing they are doing, and that we would like to offer these free pictures of Jesus for them to give as well. When he heard the pictures were from the Shroud, he said, "I've seen the Shroud of Turin.", and said yes he wants the pictures to give to the peopl. When we told him about the DVDs we have of The Passion of the Christ, he said, "That is a powerful movie." and he said yes he wants to give them out. We have been rejoicing all day at what Jesus is doing. We are thankful for this opportunity to lift up Jesus to anyone as He leads because we know that fruit will come.

Friday, November 17, 2006

Pictures to Ghana

11-17-06 Today we mailed out 5 packages to Ghana, Africa. We get a lot of requests from Ghana and a lot of them come from school kids, and college kids. We sent them all DVDs of The Passion of the Christ along with the pictures of Jesus. Pray for these young people who are always asking for the pictures, that they be comforted and encouraged by Jesus' picture of love.

Friday, November 10, 2006

Five packets mailed out

We sent out five packets of pictures of Jesus yesterday. One went to Venezuela, to a woman who said she wants to give the pictures to prisoners there, one packet to Ireland, one in the USA and two to Nigeria. We have been praying for Nigeria for an end to the violence that has erupted there in the last few years so we rejoice to send pictures of Jesus, the Prince of Peace, into their midst.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Four packets mailed out

11-7-06 Today we mailed out four packets of pictures of Jesus. One went to Georgia in the USA to a woman requesting more pictures, who said that she and her children have been passing out the free pictures of Jesus and the writing JESUS IS ALIVE AND KNOWS YOUR NAME in their hometown. We sent another packet to a teacher in a Catholic School in Washington State who requested them for her students. We included an 8x10 for the classroom. A third packet went to Texas, and a fourth to a teenager in Ghana, Africa.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Mailing Updates

10-31-06- Today Operation Jesus Pictures mailed out 6 packages. Four went into the United States, New Mexico, Texas, Louisiana and Florida. The other two went overseas, one into the UK and the other into Ireland. The one that went into New Mexico went to a man that we bought some of the gifts from that we are gathering for the Rwanda feast at Christmas time. We are excited about this gathering before the Father and we are preparing two packages that we will mail soon to Pastor Jean and his wife with a variety of items that they will use in preparing for the feast. We have 22 packages left that are ready to mail and Jesus has shown us that He will provide for them to be mailed. He is always right. The cost to mail these packages will be $502.79. Currently we have 8 requests in the United States to fill and 6 requests overseas, three going into India and one into Canada, one to Ghana, and one to Pakistan. Please pray for all these who are requesting pictures, for them to know that Jesus will help them and will speak to them and show them what to do in each situation they are faced with. Jesus please help all these who are requesting pictures, and all those who will receive Your pictures as a result and we thank You for what you are doing to reach the people.
Today Char and I talked to a young man to whom we have previously given pictures. He is giving them to his family and friends and people that he meets. He spoke to us of a man who has cancer, and that he is praying for him and is going to give him a picture of Jesus. We will be seeing him again soon and we are going to give him some more pictures and DVDs to share. He said is going to spend Thanksgiving his family and will take the pictures with him and some DVD's to give them, a perfect day to lift up Jesus and be thankful for His blood, and His love. While we were talking, Char saw some things about him and something that happened in his family when he was young. Jesus moved to speak to him about the truth of the matter. We saw a relative of this young man,in the cloud of witnesses that had been brought forward to hear and see the help this young man was receiving from Jesus. The person Char saw had grievously wounded this young man by an act of suicide, and now is so sorry for the pain he had caused him because of it. The Father wanted this young man to know that his relative now understands his actions had caused harm and that this person wanted the young man, his son, to know how sorry he is. Char spoke to him about hearing from Jesus and that he and everyone who wants Jesus will be more confident as time goes on and start to hear and recognize His voice. Thank You Jesus, God Bless this young man, please help him in his life and help him to know that the time he and his family have spent apart is not lost, he will be reunited with these that he loves, and then those years will be restored to

The Father says about all our lives and the wounds and scars we bear in the earth: I will restore what the locusts have eaten.