Sunday, July 13, 2008

HEALINGS! Thank you, Jesus!

On April 10, 2008, we posted about praying for Louie, who was in the hospital with cancer. (You can read that post here.) From that post, I am describing what happened as we were leaving for the hospital to pray for him: I went in my room to get my bag and a few items. I opened a drawer to look for something I needed and I saw a notebook in the drawer. I pulled out the notebook and opened it at random to a page and looked down. The page was dated 1-26-2008, and there I had recorded a dream I had the night before. In the dream I was telling Therese and Silvana by the Holy Spirit that Jesus was going to send us out to pray for people with cancer and other diseases, and that He was going to move with power when we did so.
We prayed for Louie on April 10, and when he was released a few days later, the doctors sent him home (with hospice) telling him that he only had two or three days to live. It is three months later and Louie is doing well, feeling better and better. Jesus healed him!
On May 26th, we had a gathering in our arbor to honor Memorial Day, and Yolanda and her husband came so we could pray for her. She was in the third stage of cancer and had gone through chemotheraphy. We laid hands on her and prayed together for her. On July 3rd we found out that the cancer is gone and she is feeling so well that she and her husband went on a much needed vacation. Thank you, Jesus!
Also, on April 10th (or so) we prayed for our dear friend, Sharon, who had cancer. She was very ill and hospice was in her home with her also. We just heard from her this week that she is cancer free. The doctors told her, "not in remission - the cancer is gone!"
Jesus told us that when He heals someone from cancer it takes a bit until they truly recover. He said the cancer has worn them down physically, and also the treatment for cancer, which is very hard on your body, but they will get better. They just need a little time to recover, but they will get well because the cancer is gone. We are seeing this come true with many people after we have prayed for them. Jesus is wonderfully kind!
Also, we heard from our friend Mary that her daughter Jean has had a "fantastic year health-wise" since we have been praying for her. Our friend Roberta's husband went to California for his health with asthma related problems. He was there for weeks and weeks, and then we asked Jesus to help him and his daughter said that he got better at just the time we prayed for him. Jesus has been spectacular in his loving response to asking Him to heal. We know how much He loves each one. We hope you will contact us if there is someone you would like to have us join you in praying for healing.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Dennis' health is better after we asked Jesus to help him

In May Therese Coopers' father, Dennis, came out to visit. He is 74 and had been diagnoised with parkinsons disease a few years ago. We prayed for him at the time and we are so grateful to Jesus, the disease went dorment. Dennis still had a very difficult time walking, and sitting down and getting up. While he was here we prayed for him. Jordan and the rest of us laid our hands on him and asked Jesus to help him get better, we asked Jesus that Dennis would walk better and his health would get better. He came back in June and while he was here he told us that ever since we prayed for him he has been feeling so much better, his health over all is better and He is able to walk much easier.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

pictures of Jesus in Germany

Thanks for the mailing and very glad to have them and has bless many people with it and will need more and also a friend want to be part of the distribution, so his and my address are below,

Wurzburg, Germany

Berlin, Germany

Thanks alot and will like to hear from you soon, Warmest greetings from germany.

pictures for persecuted Christians

I need pictures to send to Christians who are being persecuted for their faith. I get their addresses from and
In Christ,

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Jesus healed a 3 year old boy!!

Last month, my friend Tessie asked me to pray for Kaimi, her neighbor's 3 year old son who has had cancer since he was a year old. He had gone into a coma while he was visiting his auntie and grandpa in Arizona. They had taken him to the emergency room, and didn't know why he was in a coma. I asked Therese and her son Jordan to ask Jesus if He would heal Kaimi, and Therese and I were also asking Him to heal Kaimi and bring him out of the coma. That night after we asked Jesus to heal him, Tessie's daughter Chloe, who is 7 years old, had a dream that he came out of a coma, and he was all better and was completely healed! The next day, Tessie called and told me the doctors discovered a brain tumor, and operated on him, and he came out of a coma and was completely better! Then, today while I was visiting Tessie, I saw Kaimi, he came over to Tessies house, and he looks healthy and is completely recovered! Jesus thank You for healing Kaimi!! Father thank You for moving on the earth with Your healing power and love, in Your Son's beautiful name!!!

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Please send as many pictures as you can send me for the mission

Hello!! My name is Gonzalo Ruiz, I´m a missioneer in Mendoza, Argentina. A friend of mine gave me a couple of days ago a wonderful picture of Jesus; then he told me your organization was the one spreading them worldwide.

I work in a mission which is very soon to come here in Mendoza. It´s called Misión Latinoamericana
it´ll take place in the month of July; and we expect about 200 missioneers to come from all over the continent. I was wondering if there was a chance you may help us at least with as many pictures as you can send me for the mission.

Best Regards!!
Gonzalo Ruiz
Resources Coordinator Misión Latinoamericana 2008
Rivadavia, Mendoza, Argentina

our reply:
Hello Gonzalo Ruiz. We are very glad to hear from you. We will all work together to make a package of pictures of Jesus for you. We will send you a package of at least 5000 pictures of Jesus so you can share them with the missionaries who are coming to the conference. We will try and make a packet for each missionary and we will add as many pictures as we can. Thank you for writing to us to ask for the free pictures. God bless you and all who come, as they lift up Jesus, our Friend and our Saviour. How much He loves the people!

Brother, don't forget to tell the people that as they talk to Jesus, He will talk to them! We know this is so, for He often speaks to us and to many all over the world who love Him. He has also done many incredible healings lately. One man was told he had only two or three days to live, but Jesus healed him. Another was given a month to live (they had cancer) but they run five miles a day now. Another was given last rites (they were Catholic) yet Jesus healed him, which greatly surprised the doctors.

Pray for us as we put the packets together. We will try and give each missionary a DVD of THE PASSION OF THE CHRIST (BY Mel Gibson) so they can show it to people as they travel, or in their home towns. It is a powerful and beautiful and graphic film about the sacrifice of Jesus and what was done to Him leading up to His murder. He did it so we could return to His Father, who cares so deeply for the whole world. Lives have changed after watching this powerful movie.

God bless you. Thanks again for contacting us. We will mail the packages to you sometime in June. It sometimes takes about three weeks to arrive by the US Postal Service to you in Argentina.

Your friends at OPERATION: JESUS PICTURES in America,
Char Tierney
Silvana Lupetti
Doug and Therese Cooper
Antonio and Nikki Jaramillo
And all at OJP

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Praying at the hospital

Today we received a call from our printer Mark. His father is in the hospital and was just diagnosed with cancer. Mark and his family were on the way to the hospital. We offered to come and lay hands on Mark's father, Louie, and pray for him, and Mark gladly accepted.

I went in my room to get my bag and a few items. I opened a drawer to look for something I needed and I saw a notebook in the drawer. I pulled out the notebook and opened it at random to a page and looked down. The page was dated 1-26-2008, and there I had recorded a dream I had the night before. In the dream I was telling Therese and Silvana by the Holy Spirit that Jesus was going to send us out to pray for people with cancer and other diseases, and that He was going to move with power when we did so.

As we were driving to the hospital I saw the Father accompanying us. It was as though He was flying like an angel, but it was the Father. He was right over our car as we went. Just as we arrived at the hospital we received word that Doug and Rick were able to fix the problem with the RV's gas tanks not switching as they should, so now the RV is going to be ready to go out when the Father sends us, as He intends to do soon. When I heard the news, it seemed to me as though the repair to the RV came "as we were going out in His name" - as though the priests stepped out into the water and the waters rolled back. Thank you, Father, for opening doors for us to go through in Jesus' name.

Upon arrival at the hospital, we went directly up to Louie's room on the tenth floor. There we talked with him and laid hands on him with oil and asked Jesus to reverse the cancer, and reverse his other sicknesses. As we were praying, I felt power coursing through me like electricity. Therese saw the Father in the room with us.

We wanted to pray for others if we got the opportunity while at the hospital so we went to the 7th floor to leave some 8x10 pictures of Jesus in the ICU unit. We left several at the ICU desk and we gave one to a woman in a room there. We took the pictures into a waiting room on that floor, where everyone in the room wanted one. We also gave each of them a Supertract. We prayed for the brother of a woman named Jennifer. He had pneumonia but we asked Jesus to heal him as well. We also prayed for the friends and relatives of all the others in the waiting room.

We went back in the elevator, giving out a free picture of Jesus to everyone we met, and there we saw a woman who was weeping. We gave her a picture of Jesus and asked her the name of the person who is in the hospital and she said through her tears, "Margaret". So, we asked Jesus to heal Margaret whom He loves. What a day it will be when there is no more weeping, and no more fear.

We put some pictures of Jesus by the chapel on the second floor, and then we went down to the first floor to leave. We had to pass through the main waiting room, so we offered the picture of Jesus to everyone there and several people took one or more. We saw one young man who was groaning in pain, so we laid hands on Him and prayed for him as well. What an honor to go out in Jesus' name to pray for people. And Jesus has healed many people lately. Thank you, Jesus.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Judy shared pictures with her family

Last week we spoke with Judy on the phone. We had given pictures of Jesus to her last year. She said she took several of the 8x10 pictures that we gave to her and put them up in her house; one right when you walk in. When her nieces and nephews came in and saw the picture, they all wanted one. Judy told us, "You can tell who my family is because they all have the pictures of Jesus in their cars."

She said, "I am amazed that my friends and family members, who have never talked about God to me, that when they see this picture of Jesus they want one." We gave her more small pictures with string, and about ten 8x10s to give out. Judy said that from picture of Jesus, that she feels Jesus' presence. She said she feels Jesus' eyes looking at her, and she sees Him smiling at her from the picture.

Pictures of Jesus to the world - April 2008

Here are some of the countries where we sent pictures in our last mailing:

South Africa




Puerto Rico


Plus, all over in the USA. Jesus really helped us. Some of these requests have been waiting as we gather the supplies, especially the tracts. We leased a copier but had trouble with it. Then, friends of OJP bought a printer which is really helping us with the Supertracts and the prisoner tracts.

Three packages in the USA were for for people working with prisoners so each contained prisoner tracts. One packet went to a college student in Kansas who wants to pass out pictures on campus. One went to a man in Lebanon who asked for more pictures because he said that the Jesus pictures we sent him before were given away in ten minutes. One box contains 4000 pictures for Rwanda. One package went to a teacher in Puerto Rico who asked for a picture for each student in her school. One of the two requests from Lithuania asked for 500 pictures. The most packets to one country went to the USA, and the second most went to Argentina, who received 13 or 14 packets. Most of the requests came over the Internet (email) but one was a snail mail letter from a prisoner in Grants, NM, and six or seven requests were from people who called us. We usually try to send the call-ins fairly quickly because often someone in the family is sick or needs help in some way. Jesus has done some wonderful and powerful and life-changing healings.

The other day, I heard Therese talking on the phone with someone who called for free pictures who had received them before, and they were talking about the fact that when you look at Jesus you can see expressions on His face, and the expression changes. Often He smiles. But what they were saying that was so interesting and that I have experienced myself often, but didn't realize others had, is that Jesus will have an expression on His face that is an expression that you usually only see on the face of someone in your family. For instance, my family will twist their lips a little when they give a wry smile, but Jesus will do that sometimes when I am looking at Him. He relates to each of us. He is a great God, who longs for a relationship with every human on earth. Of course, it is the Holy Spirit who helps us to see in the Spirit at all. Jesus is present, and the Holy Spirt makes it possible for us to see Him. More and more and more people are telling us that they hear Him speak to them, some for the first time. And of course we tell everyone we can, "talk to Jesus, He WILL talk to you". And He does. We really are no different than Abraham: just humans, created by the same loving God, who desires our friendship, such as He had with Adam and Abraham and so many others.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Fruit from Jesus and the supertracts from OJP in Rwanda

Hello, I am glad to greet you again in Jesus' name our king and savior. I would like also to share some testimonies about supertracts. Many persons come to request for and persons feel comforted when reading the supertract. Some witnessed to me, "It is nice to read it because we feel the presence of Jesus talking to me face to face". One women who had 2 sick children and said that they read the supertract and believed that Jesus was drawing near and they prayed for their children. They hoped Jesus would heal them. Effectively, after 3 days children were being okay. One child had been suffering with diarrhea and other suffering of vomiting. It could be due to intestinal worms but the mothers had lost hope. After few days children are okay but their mothers said that only Jesus healed their children. For them they were thinking that the kids could die unless God brought them to be normal.

Other wise, I would like tell you that supertracts are well done. About sharing almost every day, persons share the supertracts or the tracts of Jesus (I had received a big quantity of tracts and supertracts on 9th April.) Yesterday I shared about 140 tracts of Jesus is alive and 70 supertracts. Today, April 13th I sent about 60 supertracts in Kigali Institute of Education and 3 dvds of the passion. The student who helps me spreading there received also 4 packets of smallest Jesus laminated pictures, all will be shared among students during prayers times.

Pastor Emmanuel received 700 supertracts and 30 dvds of the passion and 1200 Jesus pictures. He has to use them in seminar sessions. We watched the Passion of the Christ twice in the memorial days. (Remembering the 1994 genocide.) We remember how ours were lost but also Jesus lost his life so that we could have life and those who believe in Him have eternal life. Even some had gone before but there is a hope and we remember that Heaven is for those who believe in Jesus Christ.

Thank you for the supertracts and for tracts on Jesus is Alive. And for the dvds of the Passion. The Faith Comes By Hearing (audio NIV Bible) is also helping persons who can listen to it.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Sharing the pictures of Jesus all over the world

Today we mailed out free pictures of Jesus to Lebanon, Brazil, Canada, India, Chile, Argentina, Ecuador, Portugal, Peru, and in the USA to Florida, Michigan, and New Mexico.
We received a call this week from a woman who was in a cafe in another state in the US and a young man there had a picture of Jesus and was passing it around for everyone to see. We gladly sent her more pictures for herself and to share with others. We received a call from a woman who found a picture in a bus station in Albuquerque, NM. She said that she wanted to give one to everyone she meets.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Face to face with their Hope

We sent out 99 packets of pictures of Jesus yesterday and 11 today. That makes a total of 306 packets of pictures mailed in the month of March. Thank you, Father, and thank you to everyone who helped string pictures, and pack boxes and envelopes, and answer calls from people requesting the free pictures of Jesus. And thank you to those who provided financial support towards the printing and mailing costs. Together we will lift up Jesus to the world!

We sent pictures today and yesterday to the USA and Canada, Ecuador, Argentina, Colombia, Venezuela, Spain, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Chile, Brazil, and India. In the next week we will be sending pictures to Rwanda, Malaysia, Indonesia, Australia, South Africa, Germany, England, and other nations.

We sent a priority mailer full of pictures to a woman who works at a hospital in Florida, who wanted to share the pictures there. We sent some larger pictures and smaller ones to a man in California whose mother just passed away. And with each picture comes Jesus, present by His Holy Spirit, ready to heal and help and to show each person how deeply He loves them and cares about their life and their family and their problems and situation. As Silvana said of these mailings: Father, bless each packet and bring all the lambs who see His face to come face to face with their Hope, who is Jesus, in Jesus' name.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Pictures sent to prisoners worldwide

My brothers & sisters in the Lord, I just wanted to thank you for the pictures and papers that you have sent to me. So far I have sent them to a young man in jail in Ohio and: 8 prisoners in China, 1 in Vietnam, 3 in Etria, 1 in Indonesia, 1 in Azerbaijan and 1 in Uzbekistan.

I don't know if you are familiar with the Voice of the Martyrs but they are dedicated to letting the free world know about the atrocities and horror that Christians still face, even today. ( I read a book published by this charity called Jesus Freaks and it really opened my eyes to what is happening to Christians in other parts of the world. I started writing people in jail for being Christians about a year ago. Thank you very much for the work you do. God bless you.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Thanks from Nigeria

Beloved in Christ, Greetings in the name of our Lord JESUS CHRIST. I'm writing to thank you for the DVDs of THE PASSION OF THE CHRIST and Jesus pictures recently sent to me. I will like to let you know that they arrived here in good condition and by the grace of God I have started giving them out. Thanks again for fulfilling your promise. May the Lord continue to bless your ministries [amen]

Remain blessed,


Monday, February 18, 2008

given to the homeless and needy of Phoenix

Thank you so much for doing what you are doing - I and others truly appreciate your work - These pictures will be given to the homeless and needy of Phoenix and surrounding areas. They are perfect for the homeless as they do not have space to keep anything but the smallest items. Once again, THANK YOU! God Bless you and all involved in your ministry.


Saturday, February 09, 2008

Pictures of Jesus sent world wide

Today we sent packets of Jesus' pictures to:

Argentina (37)

USA (35)

Chile (8)

Venezuela (2)

Peru (2)

Ghana (5)

Nigeria (3)

Rwanda (2)

Malaysia (2)












Saturday, January 26, 2008

This is a miracle. There are no blood clots in your lungs!

Last week we gave a picture of Jesus to a woman to lay on her husband's chest since he had blood clots in his lungs. He was very close to death. They were both very worried about him. They put the picture on him, with Jesus' face turned in towards his body, and later they asked us to come over and pray for them. We did go over and ask Jesus to heal him. Ten year old Jordan went also and as we were leaving, Jordan said, "I believe God will heal you." They took the man to the doctor a few days later and all the doctors were amazed. The doctors said, "This is a miracle. There are no blood clots in your lungs!" THANK YOU, JESUS!

Sunday, January 20, 2008

200 pictures to prisoners

Days ago one of my new members in church was arrested and he is in prison now but I went there on wednesday to see him with the Jesus Pictures. Guess what happened. I passed it to one person, then to another and then another untill over two hundred Jesus Pictures I took was taken by the prisoners. Isnt God good! I felt so happy when even the Guards where fighting to get them. God bless you and please keep praying for me because i feel it so strong on my heart to visit you and also visit the United Sates again soon and help bring the books for the ophans with Pastor Miruho.
Pastor Moses