Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Rwanda, Africa is calling

Rwanda Africa is calling
(subject of email we received)
Dear Friends of the Cross, God bless you so much for the great work your doing, please I would love to have the Jesus pictures for me and the church. Am the senior Pastor of Gospel center church in rwanda, indeed this picture's even for the hospital staffs and the sick. I hold ministry with the christian hospital staffs and also with the school ministry, plus street children and also minstering to the widows and AIDS VICTMS in my church and those who dont come to church, these will be of a great help to them and the Nations. I wonder if its possible also to visit you, I will be in Ohio next month 16-21 for leaders conference.
Otherwise God bless you.
Rev. M
Answer sent:
Dearest Rev, we are glad to hear from you. We will send you 5,000 pictures of Jesus. We string these pictures ourselves, but if you can get your church to string them, it will insure that the pictures will reach you much faster, please let us know right away. We will include the string. We would also like to send you free DVD's of THE PASSION OF THE CHRIST. We will send 10 to you to share with other pastors so that they may show the film and give pictures to people. If you can get here to New Mexico, please let us know and we will work out the details with you. We have two pastors giving the pictures in Rwanda, one is Francis and the other is Jean. The nation of Rwanda needs to know that the Father has not abandoned them and loves them with all His heart. You will be helping Him to bring that word and that comfort to many. Thank you, for loving our Jesus enough to lift Him up to the world He loves.

In Jesus' name
Silvana Lupetti
Prophet of the Father in the United States
Operation: Jesus Pictures

Monday, August 28, 2006

Jesus helps people get well

Earlier this year, Ann wrote to us from California asking for pictures for her dad. He was ill and we prayed for him. This is the email we received this week from Ann. We sent a packet to her the next day, including an 8x10 picture for her father to have close by.

Thank you for your heartfelt prayers for my Dad. He is actually doing much better and is recovering. He fell down a flight of stairs and at one point all of his major organs were shutting down. Now he is in rehabilitation and doing better each day. I printed a picture similar to this one and brought it to him. I believe it has helped him. It is not very good quality, however, so I will be happy to have this one to send him.



Also this past year, we prayed for the father of our friend Robert who was in the hospital and doctors were concerned that he might not live. This last month, whle speaking with Robert on the phone, he told us that he and his mother are both giving out the pictures of Jesus from OPERATION: JESUS PICTURES. They gave one of the pictures to the dad while he was in the hospital and he recovered swiftly. The father said that after receiving the picture of Jesus he felt Jesus' presence the whole time in the hospital. THANK YOU, JESUS!

Pictures to prison and to cancer patients

We received a request for 200 free pictures of Jesus from the Chaplain of a State Penitentiary. Pray for the prisoners. We are so glad whenever we receive a request for pictures from a prisoner. We know that Jesus will help them and we rejoice at this opportunity to give out 200. If you have friends or relatives in prison, send a free picture of Jesus to them. We have a special photo picture that is not laminated, so it should be able to be received in any prison. It is about the size of a playing card.
My husband and I sat down on a bench next to a man and we starting talking to him. I showed him the pictures of Jesus and asked him if he would like to have some. He said yes. Then he told us that he is a paramedic, licensed in another state, and that right now he is doing nursing for cancer patients. He said he would give the pictures to his patients.

Saturday, August 26, 2006


The Father told us to go to the Hospital to give out free pictures of Jesus. He said, "Go in the middle of the week", so on Wednesday, August 23, 2006, Char Tierney, Therese Cooper and her son went together to the hospital with pictures of Jesus.

Jesus led us the whole time. We have been to hospitals before and you really have to be led by Jesus while there because many hospitals have a policy of "not mixing church and state" and therefore you often do not have much freedom in giving out the pictures. What we have always done when Jesus brings us to a hospital is give the pictures out as quickly as we can before we are forbidden to give them. (Which we have been twice after a certain amount of time.) But you will find that in hospitals, almost everyone wants one. And it was at a hospital that one of the most wonderful healings that Jesus has done around us happened:

This miracle happened in 2004, the day after the grandchild of Doug and Therese Cooper was born. We went to visit the newborn baby and new mommy and daddy at the hospital and of course we took pictures of Jesus along to hand out. While there, their youngest son, Jordan Cooper, gave pictures to one man and told him, "Talk to Jesus. He will talk to you." The man replied, "Oh, I talk to Jesus everyday. My son has a serious condition so I am always talking to Jesus to help." Well, we stopped (we were leaving) and gathered around him to ask about his son and pray for him. Just then the mom came along with the boy, who was 11 months old. The mother looked like she was in a state of permanent pain and shock. The father said that the baby had a condition in which the bones in his head were fusing together. He was going to have to have surgery soon or it was clear he would die. Jordan and Therese and I laid hands on him and prayed for him. Jordan asked Jesus to make the bones inside the child's head to become normal, just as Jesus created him to be. About two to three weeks later we got a phone call from the dad, who was filled with joy. Jesus had healed his baby! He said that they took him in for the surgery. The doctors did a last minute MRI to see exactly how the bones were situated before they started the surgery. Then they brought out the MRI from before and they put it up alongside the MRI from that day. They said, "We don't know how to explain this, but everything inside the boys head looks totally normal. Not only are bones no longer fused, but some bones in the back that had not developed have now 'stretched' and they are exactly where they should be". The dad jumped up and cried out, "I know how it happened. It was Jesus!"

So, this week when we went to the hospital, we took as many pictures as we could in a backpack. We had our last 20 of the 8x10s and about 40-50 of the medium size (4"x6") and probably five hundred or more of the smaller ones (about the size of a playing card) with string on them. (The smaller pictures are strung so you can wear them around your neck. Some people hang them in their cars.) When we got to the hospital, we suddenly decided to go to the chaplain's office first, even though we have had experiences with chaplains not being too helpful. There was an assistant chaplain (woman) inside and we gave her ten of the 8x10s and several mediums and probably about 75 of the card-sized pictures. She said she was glad to have them and she would give them to the regular chaplain and tell her that they are available and that if they run out we will bring them more. We asked her if we could give out the pictures in the hospital and she said we could go to the various desks and ask them if they wanted them.

This was like a wide open door! We left her office rejoicing! We went to admitting desks and nurses office on many of the floors and we would lay out the pictures on the desk with a smile and say, "The chaplain said we could offer them, and you can have them if you want, and people can get them from the desk if they want. This way no one will feel forced but will be free to have one if they wish." And everywhere we went the employees would take the pictures and let Char lay them out for others. And while Char talked to them at the desk, Therese would go around the room and give pictures to everyone in the various waiting rooms, and almost everyone would take one or more.

Finally, we were getting low on pictures and we went to the heart department and then we were going to go to intensive care. In the heart department every person took a picture of Jesus and we met a woman whose son-in-law was recovering from surgery, and we prayed for him. We left that department and went to go to the intensive care. Well, we hadn't looked on the chart to see where it was but we knew it was near the heart department, and in the elevator (where we gave everyone pictures of Jesus) two little girls told us that it was on the sixth floor. So, we went to that floor and got out and went into the intensive care. We had to phone from outside the locked doors, which we did, saying that we were there to bring pictures of Jesus. So, someone rang us in. We went to the desk and the man there said, "Well, I will take some for myself, and then just go and give them to the employees and take them around to everyone." So, we gave some passing employees pictures and then we started around the rooms. It turned out that we were in the children's intensive care - for babies. So,we went to the first room and we saw a woman inside so Therese quietly went in to offer the pictures while I waited outside so as not to disturb them. I told her to come get me if they wanted us to pray for their baby. They did, so Jordan and I laid hands on the baby while Therese stayed with the parent. The first baby had troubles with his intestines, and we asked Jesus to heal him. All the babies were hooked up to IVs and they had tubes stuck all over in their bodies. Therese went in the second room which was full of people. They all wanted a picture of Jesus and they wanted us to pray for their baby too, so Jordan and I washed our hands with disinfectant and laid hands on this baby too, who had problems with his lungs. The people's faces were so grief stricken. How much Jesus loves them. Char said that she wished He was there instead of her. Of course she knows that He was with us, but she wanted to be sure that they knew that He loves them and is going to help them and their baby. The third room we went to had a man inside and we did the same, with Therese quietly going in while Char waited outside with Jordan. They wanted us to pray for their baby too, who had just had surgery to reattach the esophagus to the stomach. While praying for that baby, and asking Jesus for the baby to recover swiftly and be healthy, Char saw Jesus. He was lifting the baby and throwing him gently up in the air over His head, and smiling in the little face when He caught him. She saw the little child healthy and strong, so we know that Jesus is going to answer our prayers for him. Thank you, Jesus!

We left when a stern faced woman came and asked us to go, but we praise God for the wonderful way He led us and for allowing us to pray for the children and the others that we met along the way. And may everyone who received a picture know how much Jesus loves them.

Monday, August 21, 2006

Various packets of pictures

We mailed out several packets of pictures in the U.S. and 1 overseas to Malta the other day. The one going to Malta was a request for pictures of Jesus for refugees, so we sent them about 400 small pictures on string, two of the larger 8x10's, and five of the 4"x6" medium pictures of Jesus, plus THE PASSION OF THE CHRIST. We also sent many JESUS IS ALIVE AND KNOWS YOUR NAME tracts for them to give to the people.

One of the sets of pictures that we mailed in August was to Brother Joseph, a man living in New Mexico who had a stroke a few years ago and is now in a wheelchair. One day while driving with the prophet Silvana, she suddenly pulled over into this retirement home and said that Jesus wanted us to take pictures inside. We did so, and there we met Joe. This was shortly before THE PASSION OF THE CHRIST came out in the theaters. We went to the film with Joe, and he has been giving out the free pictures of Jesus to people on the street ever since then.
One time Joe told me that he told the Father that he would go out for 10 hours a day and give people the pictures of Jesus. He doesn't have very much mobility in his hands and legs since the stroke, and his speech is impaired, but his heart is for Jesus. What a shining example to all of us to do the Fathers' will. We just sent him a package with 300 pictures of Jesus, and some tracts of JESUS IS ALIVE AND KNOWS YOUR NAME in English and Spanish.

We also sent pictures to a priest at the UNM Hospital, who wrote asking for more pictures to give out. We have been to that hospital several times, giving pictures in the emergency room and in the chapel.
On Saturday we mailed pictures to Ghana, Canada, the USA, and other places. Our daughter was over at the house visiting and she pitched in to help pay for postage. We passed the hat, before leaving for the Post Office and three of our children pitched in. Our neighbor was over and he contributed too. Every penny counts when it comes to mailing out the anointed pictures of Jesus.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Giving out pictures to a child

I was at the Social Security office and a little girl, about six years old, came and sat next to me. Her family was sitting to her right. I showed her the picture of Jesus and told her she could have some of them, and that she could wear them. She took some and showed her mom, and gave them to her. Her brother was sitting next to her and I gave him some also. They both put a picture on. The little girl asked me three times, "How many of those do you have? Do you have a lot more?" I asked her if she wanted more to give to her friends, which she and her brother both wanted, so I gave them several. Whenever I go out I wear a fanny pack filled with pictures of Jesus.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

A call from an inmate

We received a phone call from an inmate in Maryland a couple of days ago. We had sent him a packet of pictures earlier. The inmate said he gave them all out, and then told me about giving a picture to an inmate named T.J. who was taking drugs. It is very easy to get drugs where he is because they are on work release, where they go out in the day and come back in the evening. The caller said he could tell that T.J. was having a hard time and he knew that T.J. was on heroin, taking it every day. A couple of days after he had given him the picture of Jesus T.J. came into his cell and sat on the end of his bed. T.J. said, "I don't know if it was God, but ever since you gave me that picture of Jesus I don't want to do heroin." Then T.J. told him that he really wanted to get transfered out of that jail because it is so easy to get the drugs there. The very next day, T.J. got transfered out. Jesus, thank you, thank you so much for helping T.J.. The caller also asked for more pictures to give out. We will be sending them soon.