A mailing is prepared

To follow up our recent mailing, we have prepared packages to send out with every request we have received up through today. There are 25 packages, containing over 28,750 pictures to be mailed out! Four packages are going to Rwanda, five to Ghana, two to Cuba, one each to the United Arab Emirates, Uganda, India, England, and Venezuela, and several packages addressed within the USA. The cost to mail all these pictures will be $563. We know that Jesus will provide. Whenever He tells us to get the packages ready to go out, He makes a way to send them. Mary and Felicia and Nikki and Emily and Yvonne all made this possible by sending us the pictures that they have strung, and Mary and Felicia and Nikki and Jordan each gave some money towards the postage, so we already have $101 towards this mailing. Jesus, please provide what we need to mail Your powerful pictures all over the world, and bless each person who receives one. Let their testimonies of what You have done for them, or said to them, spread from one side of Rwanda to the other, from nation to nation, and all over the world, so more and more people can come to know You for themselves. Bless everyone who helped us in this endeavor for Your sake, Jesus, and bless Operation: Jesus Pictures as it goes forward in the future.