Tuesday, September 12, 2006

The pictures show up everywhere.

We received a phone call from a man this morning, who had gotten a picture of Jesus from his veterinarian's office in Kentucky. He called to ask if he could have some of our larger (8x10) ones. He said he really needs Jesus to help him right now because he and his family have been served with an eviction notice. He said he lives with two family members who are disabled, and would like pictures for them, plus a friend who has severe liver problems and his daughter. We talked for a while and as he told me all that unfolded between himself and his landlord I was looking at Jesus and Jesus said to me that He will help them. I told the man what Jesus said and he was so grateful, and he said he felt better already. He thanked us for the pictures we will be sending and for praying for them. We will be sending more pictures to them this week. Pray for him and his family. Father, we look to You for help, we see as You show the condition of this world and we know that it is Your love they need. Thank You, Father for giving us this tool that is so powerful that causes people to speak to You we know You will answer all who seek You. We will give the pictures out with joy and we thank all those who are helping us to do this great thing. A special thanks to Corinne K and Felicia who gave the money for postage to mail out all the packages we have waiting to send.