Sunday, April 01, 2007

Students testimonies from Rwanda

I would like to give you this short testimony from one school here. One student said "This year (he talks about the academic year 2006, because they are receiving degrees in March), our school had so many students who succeeded the National examinations". He said that last time (2005) when students worked for their diploma, among 40 students only 18 had succeeded and obtained their degree from that school! But this year, he says, "before we go in exams rooms,we have put on Jesus pictures in our chests and every one have been praying in his heart during exams session. We hoped Jesus was together with us and would help us!"

Myself (Jean), I had said to one student when I was spreading Jesus pictures, that if they lift up Jesus and talk to him in their school, they would succeed. So, now one of the students said that he succeeded with many marks that he never thought he could. He says "it is beyond my understandings to see that among all 70 students (they were 2 classes), only 11 students failed. Myself I have had many good marks and 59 have succeeded where last time among 40 students, only 18 have succeeded!" He concluded, "I didn't know! There is secret! Now I saw how Jesus is so great and able in everything!"

Glory be to Jesus and to our heaven Father!

From a brother in Rwanda.

Note from OJP: So, the percentage of the class that passed (succeeded) went from 45% to about 85-86% because Jesus helped them! It isn't that Jesus told them the answers, but He helps you to be your best and to do your best. He is present to help! Thank you, Jesus, for helping these young students in Rwanda. Bless them in the days ahead. Help them to find jobs and to be able to help their families and others in Rwanda. God bless all of Rwanda.