Sunday, April 13, 2008

Fruit from Jesus and the supertracts from OJP in Rwanda

Hello, I am glad to greet you again in Jesus' name our king and savior. I would like also to share some testimonies about supertracts. Many persons come to request for and persons feel comforted when reading the supertract. Some witnessed to me, "It is nice to read it because we feel the presence of Jesus talking to me face to face". One women who had 2 sick children and said that they read the supertract and believed that Jesus was drawing near and they prayed for their children. They hoped Jesus would heal them. Effectively, after 3 days children were being okay. One child had been suffering with diarrhea and other suffering of vomiting. It could be due to intestinal worms but the mothers had lost hope. After few days children are okay but their mothers said that only Jesus healed their children. For them they were thinking that the kids could die unless God brought them to be normal.

Other wise, I would like tell you that supertracts are well done. About sharing almost every day, persons share the supertracts or the tracts of Jesus (I had received a big quantity of tracts and supertracts on 9th April.) Yesterday I shared about 140 tracts of Jesus is alive and 70 supertracts. Today, April 13th I sent about 60 supertracts in Kigali Institute of Education and 3 dvds of the passion. The student who helps me spreading there received also 4 packets of smallest Jesus laminated pictures, all will be shared among students during prayers times.

Pastor Emmanuel received 700 supertracts and 30 dvds of the passion and 1200 Jesus pictures. He has to use them in seminar sessions. We watched the Passion of the Christ twice in the memorial days. (Remembering the 1994 genocide.) We remember how ours were lost but also Jesus lost his life so that we could have life and those who believe in Him have eternal life. Even some had gone before but there is a hope and we remember that Heaven is for those who believe in Jesus Christ.

Thank you for the supertracts and for tracts on Jesus is Alive. And for the dvds of the Passion. The Faith Comes By Hearing (audio NIV Bible) is also helping persons who can listen to it.