Saturday, April 19, 2008

Pictures of Jesus to the world - April 2008

Here are some of the countries where we sent pictures in our last mailing:

South Africa




Puerto Rico


Plus, all over in the USA. Jesus really helped us. Some of these requests have been waiting as we gather the supplies, especially the tracts. We leased a copier but had trouble with it. Then, friends of OJP bought a printer which is really helping us with the Supertracts and the prisoner tracts.

Three packages in the USA were for for people working with prisoners so each contained prisoner tracts. One packet went to a college student in Kansas who wants to pass out pictures on campus. One went to a man in Lebanon who asked for more pictures because he said that the Jesus pictures we sent him before were given away in ten minutes. One box contains 4000 pictures for Rwanda. One package went to a teacher in Puerto Rico who asked for a picture for each student in her school. One of the two requests from Lithuania asked for 500 pictures. The most packets to one country went to the USA, and the second most went to Argentina, who received 13 or 14 packets. Most of the requests came over the Internet (email) but one was a snail mail letter from a prisoner in Grants, NM, and six or seven requests were from people who called us. We usually try to send the call-ins fairly quickly because often someone in the family is sick or needs help in some way. Jesus has done some wonderful and powerful and life-changing healings.

The other day, I heard Therese talking on the phone with someone who called for free pictures who had received them before, and they were talking about the fact that when you look at Jesus you can see expressions on His face, and the expression changes. Often He smiles. But what they were saying that was so interesting and that I have experienced myself often, but didn't realize others had, is that Jesus will have an expression on His face that is an expression that you usually only see on the face of someone in your family. For instance, my family will twist their lips a little when they give a wry smile, but Jesus will do that sometimes when I am looking at Him. He relates to each of us. He is a great God, who longs for a relationship with every human on earth. Of course, it is the Holy Spirit who helps us to see in the Spirit at all. Jesus is present, and the Holy Spirt makes it possible for us to see Him. More and more and more people are telling us that they hear Him speak to them, some for the first time. And of course we tell everyone we can, "talk to Jesus, He WILL talk to you". And He does. We really are no different than Abraham: just humans, created by the same loving God, who desires our friendship, such as He had with Adam and Abraham and so many others.