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OJP purchased a backpack for Pastor Jean, to use while he is traveling on his new scooter that Jesus provided through His faithful people. It is a really good one, with a lot of room in the pack. Silvana suggested we get the backpack for Pastor Jean, and sent Doug and Therese Cooper with OJP to a sports store since they would be likely to have the best backpacks. We wanted to get one that is sturdier and bigger then a normal backpack. Jesus' leading was great, and we got him the perfect one! The pack we got is big and black and has a built-in water container with a drinking tube that holds 2 liters of water. He won't even have to stop to get a drink as he travels! The pack has a large capacity for carrying pictures of Jesus, or anything he needs as he travels, such as a change of clothes, food, and the dvds of THE PASSION OF THE CHRIST, etc.
The person working in the store who helped us was very thoughtful concerning the needs for the pack. Therese showed him a picture of Pastor Jean's OJP id and told him that Jean lives in Rwanda and is taking the pictures of Jesus to the cities there. The worker listened and asked questions about the climate and distances he would be traveling, and then left to look in the back. He came out with the perfect backpack! Then he said that he could give us 20% off since it is the summer stock. Later he said, "I am overstepping my boundary here but, I am going to give 25% off because of what this is going to be used for".
We also bought the thickest chain lock they have, for the security of the motor scooter. When Doug and Therese were ready to pay they went to the cashier and the worker who helped us was explaining to the cashier about giving us 25% off on the pack, and he told her that it is for a man in Rwanda who is traveling with pictures of Jesus to give to people in the cities there. He even showed her the picture of Jesus that Doug and Therese had given to him. They gave her pictures also.
Thank you Jesus for giving Pastor Jean the perfect backpack. See the timing of the Father, having OJP go to that store when that particular worker would be there, whose heart was soft towards what the Father is doing in Rwanda. Thank you, Jesus and God bless the worker who helped us. As this kind man left to go back to his department, Doug and Therese thanked him for helping the Father with this work and he said, "You are welcome, I am glad I could help the pastor in Rwanda".